“We are born at a given moment, in a given place and, like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and of the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more.”
– Carl Jung
Astrology 101

Start Your Journey
A step-by-step program to understanding the basic elements of astrology and some interpretation techniques.
Are You ready to unlock the Mysteries of astrology?
In twelve easy-to-follow video lessons, you will discover:
- What is astrology, and how it provides personal insight (and debunk common myths).
- What you need to create your astrology chart.
- How to identify and find meaning in the important chart components.
- How to interpret the impact of the planetary placements and rulers.
- The meaning of the relationships between planets and key points in the chart.
- Helpful chart interpretation techniques.
- How to synthesize the components, elements, and theme of your astrology chart.
Astrology 101 – Video Lesson Course Outline
Lesson 1: Getting Started
Lesson 2: What is Astrology?
Lesson 3: Zodiac Signs
Lesson 4: Rulerships
Lesson 5: Chart Components – Houses
Lesson 6: Chart Components – Ascendant & Midheaven
Lesson 7: Chart Components – Planets
Lesson 8: Chart Components – Aspects
Lesson 9: Chart Patterns
Lesson 10: Interpretation Techniques
Lesson 11: Success Tips for Chart Synthesis
Lesson 12: Putting it All Together
Astrology 101
Basic Course Content
- 12 Engaging Videos
- Easy-to-understand
- Reference Materials
- Interpretation Guides
Silver plus
Astrology 101 Workbook
- 12 Engaging Videos
- Easy-to-understand
- Reference Materials
- Interpretation Guides
- Personalized Chart
Astro Workbook
Gold plus
Course eBook
- 12 Engaging Videos
- Easy-to-understand
- Reference Materials
- Interpretation Guides
- Personalized Chart Astro Workbook
- eBook – “Sun Sign Modifiers”